Q. What is the main goal of The Mohanjo Foundation?

Harnessing the echoes of eras long gone, we, at Mohanjo Foundation, traverse the realms of knowledge to illuminate the present and inspire the future. Our mission revolves around the dissemination of timeless wisdom and insights from the past, present and anticipated future, We empower communities and masses to understand their roots and cultivate a profound appreciation for Environment and Society, through better governance and people centric technologies. With the help of online workshops, talks, charitable campaigns, educational events, and social events, the fundamental aspiration of The Mohanjo Foundation is to nurture individuals for a better future of this planet, and equip them success for the real world, at the same time. 

Q. How does The Mohanjo Foundation empower and unite humans?

Mohanjo Foundation empowers and unites humans by providing a global philanthernship and  volunteering platform. We focus on enhancing academic and professional prospects of individuals associated with us by organizing fests, campaigns and workshops that foment learning, collaboration and community engagement. 

Q. How can I get involved with The Mohanjo Foundation's activities and contribute to its mission?

There are many ways to get involved with Mohanjo Foundation's activities, 

Q. Are the workshops and talks open to everyone, regardless of their background or age? 

Yes, the workshops and talks organized by Mohanjo Foundation are open to everyone, irrespective of background, age, or location. Open workshops don't have any fee associated.

Q. Does the organization provide any certifications or recognition for, 

a. Philanthernship or Volunteering?

b. Attending workshops?

a. Philanthernship or Volunteering: 

Yes, our Philantherns and Volunteers get much more than just the certificates. We facilitate certificates, digital badges, ambassador status, international recognition, linkedin recommendations, and career mentorship sessions. For more details visit our Philanthernship page

b. Attending Workshops
Yes, some workshops offered by the Mohanjo Foundation may provide certifications upon completion, depending on the nature of the workshop and the requirements. 

Q. How can individuals contribute to the organization's mission by volunteering or donating?

Individuals can contribute to Mohanjo Foundation's mission by volunteering their time, skills, expertise, or by making donations to support the organization's initiatives and events. 

Q. What type of online workshops and talks does the organisation offer?

The Mohanjo Foundation offers a wide range of online workshops and talks covering topics such as self enrichment, professional skills, mental health, social issues, and more. 

Q. How does the organisation provide free education to people?

Mohanjo Foundation adopts the education fees and expenses for the underprivileged yet bright and willing students from various parts of the world. 

Mohanjo Foundation also provides free education through online workshops, webinars, and educational materials that are accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Q. How does the organisation measure the impact of its educational initiatives?

Mohanjo Foundation measures the impact of its educational initiatives through feedback from participants, tracking progress, and evaluating the outcomes achieved by individuals. 

Q. Who sets the Mohanjo Foundation apart from other organizations with similar goals?

Mohanjo Foundation is on mission to empower communities and masses to understand their roots and cultivate a profound appreciation for Environment and Society, through better governance and people centric technologies.

NOTE: If you have any other question, please ask us here or click on the below form

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